Tuesday, 12 March 2013

  The Junior Learners are very creative in the afternoons. We are learning valuable skill to use at home and school. Here are some of the activities we do.
 Caleb and Alannah working together to create a beautiful art work. They are both learning about Noah's Ark in devotions. We used out art as inspiration for writing in Room 2.

                                                                                                           Mrs Kimber is always helping us.

 Naomi, Ruby and Jasmine are reading together while waiting for an older student to assist them with Art. Well Done Girls.

Volaki working on 'Maths Rescue' a computer programme enriching  his Maths skills.

Bryan showing a younger student the steps spelling programme and the activities he is doing.

Ashton and Zion using the ipad to increase literacy skills

 The learners love using blocks for imaginative play and collaborative story building.
 SSR is always a popular choice where learners have an assigned time to explore books in an informal setting.

Noah's Ark room 2

Noah's Ark  by Caleb yr3
God told Noah,"build an Ark for you and your family. Take two of every animal on it.one male and one female." Noah listened. he built a huge Ark that was bigger than a whole Rugby field! But it had already started raining and two animals were still coming! at last they came through the huge door and God shut it. When it stopped raining Noah sent a dove to find land but it came back. One week later he sent the dove again. It came back with an olive leaf. God opened the door and the Ark rested on top of a mountain.

Noah's Ark by Boaz y2
God said to Noah build a Ark.  There is going to be a flood, you and your family have to collect 2 of evry kind of animal. and noah obeyed God and started building it.


Noahs Ark by Volaki yr 3
One day a long time a go God speaks to Noah and he side "Noah you need to build a ark".  So Noah started building the ark.  When the ark was finshed Noah gathered up two of every kind of animal.  When the flood came all the animals were in the ark.  After forty days and forty nights Noah sent a dove to go and get an olive leaf.  After two weeks the dove came back with a leaf.  Noah new that the rain had stopped.

Noahs Ark by Africa yr 2
God told Noah to build an ark.  Noah loved God so he listened to God.  It took a long time.  Soon the ark was finished and now all he had to do was to gather all the animals.  There were foxes and lions and zebras.  Soon everyone was in and it started to rain.  Soon the earth was covered with water and they were floating.  After forty days and nights Noah sent a dove to finde land.  It came back with an olive leaf Noah knew that things were growing again.

Noah's Ark by Duncan yr 3
God spoke to Noah about a flood.  You have to build an ark and gather all the animals up.  So Noah built an ark out of wood with his family.  Then he gathered all the animals.  The water was coming up fast, Noah said hold on it is going to be a bumpy ride!  The food came very very fast.  Then Noah said, "the rain is stopping".  The rain has been raining for fourty days and fourty nights.  Then Noah sent a dove out.  Then the dove came back with an olive leaf.  Noah new there was land.

Noah's Ark by Carlos yr 2
One day God spoke to Noah.  God said "build an ark, get 2 of each animal, one mael and one femael.  Keap them safe, get food fo8r each animal".  Noah build the ark with his family then he got one of each animal.  One mael and one femael.  It rained and rained for 40 days and 40 nights.  It did not rain for that day.  Noah sent a dove to find land it did not come back for 3 days.  On the 4th day it came back.  They must of found driy land the water was going down.  They saw some grase.  They got on the land.

Afternoon art

Noah's Ark

We have been learning about Noah and his Ark. The learners have being doing fantastic art work and writing stories about Noah.

Monday, 4 March 2013

               Meet the Room 1 Learners

Praise loves to do the morning calendar.

Melody loves to paint pictures.
Matthew enjoys modeling with play dough.

Naomi loves counting during maths time.
Jordan is passionate about ICT and iPads.
Zion is creative with play dough.
Keelan has great fun playing with cars.
Alannah loves to read to our 'reading buddies'.
Jasmine creates beautiful patterns on the peg board.
Keziah enjoys racing the cars on the car mat.
Ruby paints colourful pictures.
Dominic builds great structures using blocks.
Ashton is a 'whizz' on the iPad.

We are very excited about learning new things in Room 1 this term.