Term 2
Highlights and Reflections
by Room 1 learners and teachers...
We were very sad to say farewell to Melody and Naomi Piclisan-Perrin, early in Term 2. They were an inspiration and a joy to us and will be deeply missed.
PMP with Mr Lark
Room 1 learners did ball skills and PMP training every week with Mr Lark. Thank-you Mr Lark for helping us to become fit and teaching us to take risks, especially on the high beam.
Maritime Museum Trip
At the Maritime Museum we saw some huge boats and waka. The highlight of the day was when we all sailed to the bridge and back on a boat.
Assembly and Snell's Beach Kindergarten Visit
Some special visitors.....
Daisy came to visit and was super keen to share Kyro's snack.
Mrs Presland-White has spent some time in our room each week; teaching us and helping us with our learning.
Jade shares a book with Baby Shiloh.
Collaborative Art
And this is how our Queen Esther pictures turned out...