Monday, 23 March 2015

Reading Recovery

We are learning to read and write during our READING RECOVERY session. Here are some examples

Kinetic Sand

Kinetic sand

Fantastic sensory activity. The sand moves and changes shape as you play with it.

Discovery Learning


What can I build with different size skewers and blue tac?

Monday, 9 March 2015

Visit to Donkey Hill

Today as a treat we visited the donkeys on Donkey Hill. Room 2 filled there marble jar, working together to make their classroom environment a great learning space.
We saw 2 baby donkeys (foals) and lots of ducklings. It was a special morning. We had morning tea looking at beautiful Algies Bay.


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Discovery Learning

 We did sensory play today by combining sand and shaving foam to get a denser product to play with. We used shapes and letters to mould the sand. It was fun but we all smelt like men at the end of it.

Some of us painted pictures and added a prayer to Jesus thanking him for our beautiful world.

We used play dough to  create letters of the alphabet. 

Mrs. Waddle helped us use the art hub for kids so that we could learn to draw some awesome characters and animals.

 Water play. We are learning to measure liquids using various containers.
 Mrs. Kimber is helping us learn how to use straws to weave bracelets. We followed the instructions on the computer and all learnt together. 

 Miss Ryder helped in our class. We were being creative with play dough and working on our fine motor skill to strengthen our fingers so that we can write better.
We are using the alphabet letters to build our spelling words. We also wrote them and then decorated the same words.

 Construction site- blocks and animals, The students built a zoo and a small city. Lots of creativity, negotiation, co-operative learning and problem solving happening in the group of students.

Small Lego- wow great thinking skills and creativity.

Things we love

Today we used a new app called Word Photo. We took a picture of ourselves and then wrote things we love into the text section of the app. The app combined our photo and words,  we got some funky photo collages of ourselves.