Thursday, 28 May 2015

Discovery Learning Today

What a great day of learning. We had lots of help today and did some cool activities.
Mrs Cotton taught us how to make music with glass bottles and water. We played 3 blind mice.

Mrs Hume came in to teach us how to knit. It is MUCH harder than it looks.

Jordan Creating an Amazing Flying Machine

The ART HUB FOR KIDS- learning how to draw

Mrs Kimber helping us to weave bracelets using straws and wool.

Peg Boards- creating fantastic patterns and pictures with pegs. Awesome fine motor skills being developed.

Tangrams with Mrs Waddell- Wow we had to think hard and problem solve. It was really hard. 

Baking- A reading Activity.

Today we learnt how to write and read a recipe. We made chocolate cupcakes. We had to read the recipe, measure out all the ingredients and then bake the cupcakes. When we finished with the baking we wrote down the recipe. We learnt that recipes are always written in a specific way. We made extra cupcake for the parents to enjoy at assembly. The best part was eating them for morning tea on Friday.

More Science- A Great Volcano

Dye and water

Add dye to the oil watch how it separates out.

The dye slowly settled at the bottom.

We added ENOs which introduced air bubbles into the mixture

Then the fun began

We watch the dye bubbles dance in the oil. There was even a mini twister. 

We had lots of questions. Eventually it settled back down and the oil and dye separated again. We recorded what we saw into our science books.

What we learnt in Discovery Learning Today

Sharlise making words with the -at and -og sound.

Using maths shapes to design- house on the beach

Mrs Baker popped in and spent some time doing peg board patterns with Jamie.

Much concentration at the lego table.

Mrs Cotton and Ruby-Lee doing pattern threading. They hung it from the ceiling for a great mobile

Working on new designs for The Flag

Social Studies- Our School

We used our FIE skills today to compare. We looked at photos and newspaper clippings to compare our school when it started and how it is now. We recorded our findings in a Venn Diagram.

Art and Science

We used our science discoveries to do some really cool Art. First we wet our paper, then we added some drops of different coloured dye. The dye ran on the wet paper and formed super cool shapes. We then added some oil,  it made  more patterns into our shapes. When it dried it looked amazing. We are going to use the paper we made in another Art project.

Science Science Science

We have been doing some fun experiments in our classroom, learning about mixtures.
Mrs Allen demonstrated an experiment using colour, oil and water. We wanted to see if the water or oil was heavier. What would happen if we put dye/water mixture on top of oil. Would it stay or sink and dissolve in the oil.

First we added water to our container.

Then we put oil  into a separate cup and Mrs Allen then dropped in some colour. 

She slowly added the mixture to the water. We had to use our Science skills to notice what happened.

The oil and colour stayed on top of the water at first.

Then the colour slowly started to sink through the oil.

When it hit the water it looked like it was exploding. The colour was dissolving into the water. It looked like Fireworks going off in the water.

We enjoyed watching how the colour slowly dissolved. We learnt that dye dissolves in water, that oil floats on water and that water is heavier that oil.