Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Kangaroos by Sharlise, Zoe and Joel

Today we read a book about Kangaroos in our reading group. These are some facts we learnt about:

Kangaroos have big strong legs that they use for jumping. They Bounce along with their tails behind them.
A baby kangaroo gets out of its pouch when it is six months old.
All kangaroos can hear well. They can smell and see well too.
Mother Kangaroos stand still so that their joeys can climb back into the pouch. A group of Kangaroos is called a mob.

By Sharlise, Zoe and Joel

Saturday, 15 August 2015


Ashton and Keelan started off using the pattern cards, but soon moved into designs of their own. There was much discussion about shape and form, what the structure should look like and keeping with a specific pattern. The two boys worked co-operatively and pulled others into their learning along the way.


Today we all came to school in our pyjamas. It was a great day for it- as it rained and rained.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Discovery Learning

Kinetic sand

Completing our art project

Girls working on a devotion booklet 

Working on their animal projects. Well done girls.

Playing battleships a great strategy game

Sharlise made an island

Human Graphs

Today we made graphs using all the people in our class. We made a strip graph, a bar graph and a pie chart. We drew around ourselves and then looked at our graphs on the court.

Fantastic Tiger Facts

Ruby-Lee has written a fantastic story and illustrated it with flair.

Joel's story on tigers

Task Activities in Room 2

Sharlise is doing a sequence activity with the book Greedy Ca.t

Ashton is doing his Speed Reading activity with Mrs Waddle.

Jake and Elijah working hard on their maths. Jordan in the background writing a story about Tigers on his Ipad. It was a very productive morning.

Alannah and Ruby writing together.

Fantastic collaboration between students. I love seeing Keelan engrossed in a chapter book.

Skip Counting- room two is learning to count in 2, 3,4 and 5's.

A visit to Lifeway Farm

We visited Lifeway Farm last week as they have some new lambs. Some of the lambs were twins.
The lambs were black and white but their mums were brown. Mrs Townsend managed to catch one and we got to pat it. Its wool felt soft and curly. The mother sheep kept calling for her baby. We also saw some bulls in the paddock next door.