Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Monday, 4 November 2013
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Thursday, 24 October 2013
A cute story written by Sammy
Two little boys had a pet cat. It wasn't a normal cat it was a robot cat. It had two legs and three eyes but you could tell it was a cat because it had triangle ears. The cat had four mouths and ate a lot. It ate banana's because it was a healthy food robot cat. The two little boys whose names were Arry and Burt, they played hide and seek with their pet. They played ice cube the fire place, where they freeze the fireplace.
by Sammy
by Sammy
Mr. Wells brings his music organ to school
Yesterday room1 and 2 went up to the chapel and listened to Mr. Wells play music. I liked all of the music. When he played the music we all danced. by George
Mr Wells and his music organ
Yesterday room one and two walked up to the chapel. At first I thought we were going to learn about an organ in our body but we learnt about the organ that we play . We learnt that the biggest organ has two paddles, seven boards and 22 000 pipes. Mr. Wells played some music. The best music was the funeral music because we all played dead. I enjoyed the whole lesson because it was fun and we got to dance
by Volaki
by Volaki
Monday, 21 October 2013
Mr Wells and his Music Organ
Yesterday we went into the chapel to see Mr Wells about the Organ. The Organ can play
different kinds of music. I liked the flute sound. Later room 3 came in and we went out to class. I like the Organ.
by Jean
Mr Wells and his music organ
Mr. Wells and his Organ
On Monday Me and Room 1 and Room 2 went to the chapel and we learnt about organ music. We danced and danced to the organ. Leah and I were dancing to the organ. I loved it and wanted to dance to another tune. I learnt that the biggest organ in the world has 7 keyboards.
by Praise
On Monday Me and Room 1 and Room 2 went to the chapel and we learnt about organ music. We danced and danced to the organ. Leah and I were dancing to the organ. I loved it and wanted to dance to another tune. I learnt that the biggest organ in the world has 7 keyboards.
by Praise
Mr Wells and his Music Organ
Mr Wells and his Music Organ
Yesterday we went to chapel and saw Mr.Wells on his organ. We learnt that the biggest music organ had two paddle boards, seven keyboards and 22 000 pipes! It was great and we wanted to hear the drums but he could not do them yet. We heard Swan Lake, funeral music and lots of other tunes. My
favourite part was when the funeral music ended and we all pretended to die.
Mr.Wells and his Music Organ.
Mr.Wells and his Music Organ.
Yesterday in the afternoon me and my class went up to the chapel to se Mr.Wells and learn what a organ is .We had lots of fun and danced to lots of cool music .We listened to high notes and low notes .You have an organ in your body as well it is different to the music organ. Organs in your body help it to work. I enjoyed the dancing and fake dying the most.
by Africa
Yesterday in the afternoon me and my class went up to the chapel to se Mr.Wells and learn what a organ is .We had lots of fun and danced to lots of cool music .We listened to high notes and low notes .You have an organ in your body as well it is different to the music organ. Organs in your body help it to work. I enjoyed the dancing and fake dying the most.
by Africa
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Monday, 9 September 2013
The Runaway Animals By Praise
The Runaway Animals
One Thursday morning the animals escaped from the farm. The bull tugged on the gate and it opened. The animals felt free and ran all the way to the other side of town. They found another farm with a big paddock. They all had their own space and yummy juicy grass to eat.
When the farmer woke up he was surprised that the animal weren't there. He drove around the town looking for his farm animals.
The farmer whose paddock the animals were eating in was cross. He chased the animals out. The animals were sad because they were lost on the other side of town.
The owner of the animals found them on the path near his cousin’s house. He took them home on the back of his truck. He had planted more grass and made the paddock bigger by moving the gate. They animals were happy with all the space and ran around. They all lived happily ever after.
One Thursday morning the animals escaped from the farm. The bull tugged on the gate and it opened. The animals felt free and ran all the way to the other side of town. They found another farm with a big paddock. They all had their own space and yummy juicy grass to eat.
When the farmer woke up he was surprised that the animal weren't there. He drove around the town looking for his farm animals.
The farmer whose paddock the animals were eating in was cross. He chased the animals out. The animals were sad because they were lost on the other side of town.
The owner of the animals found them on the path near his cousin’s house. He took them home on the back of his truck. He had planted more grass and made the paddock bigger by moving the gate. They animals were happy with all the space and ran around. They all lived happily ever after.
By Praise
Monday, 19 August 2013
Space by George
no gravity and dark
hot, floating, flashing
the world is turning
the universe
by George
Monday, 12 August 2013
tall and yellow
whooshing, crackling, juicy seeds
sunflowers are awesome to look at
by Volaki
shiny and colourful
fluttering, growing, rustling
makes our world beautiful
by Carlos
shiny and evergreen
flutters, grows, crackles
makes our world better
by Caleb
shiny and evergreen
growing, photosynthesis, falling
makes me feel good
by Petur
skinny and long
falling, fluttering, breaking
makes the trees pretty
by Jean
colourful, bright
scented, crackling,blooming
makes our world awesome
by Leah
pretty and beautiful
growing, gives food, moving
I think they are pretty
by Sammy
green and beautiful
whooshing, growing, blooming
has a nice scent
by Praise
pretty and colourful
sways, blooming, budding
makes our world beautiful
by Arfica
colourful, bright
scented, crackling,blooming
makes our world awesome
by Leah
pretty and beautiful
growing, gives food, moving
I think they are pretty
by Sammy
green and beautiful
whooshing, growing, blooming
has a nice scent
by Praise
pretty and colourful
sways, blooming, budding
makes our world beautiful
by Arfica
Thursday, 8 August 2013
CJ and Bailey by Bryan
On Monday morning while I was in the classroom reading I saw Bailey chasing CJ. Bailey is Miss Pryde's dog. She has brown and white spots on her back and she licks me to give kisses. CJ is Mrs Pearson's' chicken. She has a fluffy white tail and a red comb on her head it looks like an Afro.
CJ raced down the deck. She was frightened when Bailey chased her. Miss Pryde had to grab Bailey because she wanted to chase CJ again. Mrs. Pearson put the chicken in another cage in her office.
Bailey and the chicken. by Carlos
On Monday,
Miss Pryde and Mrs. Pearson were coming to school with Bailey the dog and CJ
the brown and white chicken. On the way to school Bailey started to bark at CJ
she only wanted to play with her.
At school Mrs. Pearson made a box cage for CJ
and put her into it. Bailey was trying to play with CJ she stuck her nose into
the cage. CJ got a big fright and ran right down the deck with
Bailey chasing right behind her.
Miss Pryde
chased after Bailey and she got her by the collar. Mrs Pearson grabbed CJ’s
white tail feathers. She made another cage for CJ and Bailey got locked in the
class for the day.
Bailey and the chicken by Petur
On Monday morning we were reading with room 1 class. Suddenly a dog named Bailey was running after a brown and red chicken. The chicken looked scared and frightened. It was running away down the deck. Miss Pryde got Bailey from the deck. The chicken got caught by Mrs Pearson.
Bailey and the scared chicken By Leah
One day Mrs Pearson brought a little brown chicken to school. It was brown and fluffy like a blanket. Mrs Pearson brought the chicken into class and when no one was looking, Bailey the dog, sniffed the chicken and gave it a big fright. It jumped out of the box and ran out the door. Bailey chased the chicken down the deck. The chicken squawked loudly. Miss Pryde and Mrs. Pearson heard Bailey and the chicken barking and stomping down the deck. Miss Pryde caught Bailey by the leash and Mrs Pearson caught the chicken by the tail. I thought it was very funny.
Bailey and CJ by Praise
Bailey and CJ by Praise
On Monday Miss Pryde and Mrs Pearson came to school in the same car with their pets. When they got to MCS, Bailey the dog, chased CJ the fat chicken. She zoomed down the deck squawking and flapping her wings. Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde came running to rescue their pets. Mrs Pearson got CJ by her white soft feathers and pulled her to safety. Miss Pryde got Bailey by the collar and kept her in the classroom for the rest of the day.
On Monday Miss Pryde and Mrs Pearson came to school in the same car with their pets. When they got to MCS, Bailey the dog, chased CJ the fat chicken. She zoomed down the deck squawking and flapping her wings. Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde came running to rescue their pets. Mrs Pearson got CJ by her white soft feathers and pulled her to safety. Miss Pryde got Bailey by the collar and kept her in the classroom for the rest of the day.
Bailey and the chicken By Matthew
Bailey and the Chicken by Matthew
On Monday morning while I was in the classroom reading I heard barking and stomping. I looked up and saw Bailey chasing CJ the brown and red chicken. CJ flew out of her cage and squawked running down the deck. Then Mrs Pearson jumped up and grabbed CJ by her golden feet and Miss Pryde grabbed Bailey. Bailey went to her classroom and CJ went to the office. Mrs Pearson put CJ into a plastic box and put a proper lid on it.
Chicken Rush by Caleb
On Monday,Mrs Pearson and Miss Pride drove to M.C.S. in Miss Pryde's car. Bailey and CJ were in the back. CJ the chicken, was in a box. Bailey, Miss Pryde's dog, couldn't see CJ but she knew CJ was there. She desperately tried to get into the box. She couldn't . Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde had to listen to her whining all the way to school. At M.C.S, Mrs Pearson made a cage in the shape of a square for CJ. Bailey found a gap in the cage. CJ was frightened of her. She flew out . Bailey chased CJ up and down the deck making a huge racket. Mrs Pearson caught CJ by the tail feathers. Miss Pride grabbed at Bailey. Mrs Pearson made a new cage for CJ and put her in the office. She was very happy.
On Monday,Mrs Pearson and Miss Pride drove to M.C.S. in Miss Pryde's car. Bailey and CJ were in the back. CJ the chicken, was in a box. Bailey, Miss Pryde's dog, couldn't see CJ but she knew CJ was there. She desperately tried to get into the box. She couldn't . Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde had to listen to her whining all the way to school. At M.C.S, Mrs Pearson made a cage in the shape of a square for CJ. Bailey found a gap in the cage. CJ was frightened of her. She flew out . Bailey chased CJ up and down the deck making a huge racket. Mrs Pearson caught CJ by the tail feathers. Miss Pride grabbed at Bailey. Mrs Pearson made a new cage for CJ and put her in the office. She was very happy.
Run Chicken By Volaki
On Monday Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde brought a
cage to school with a fat brown chicken in it. While Mrs Pearson put the cage
down on the bench Bailey came up. She jumped excitedly at the cage and the
frightened chicken flew up and out. Bailey chased the scared chicken up and
down the deck. The chicken kept squeaking and squawking at Bailey. Bailey
barked and barked and barked until Miss Pryde caught her by the collar. Mrs
Pearson jumped at the chicken and grabbed it under its tummy. The deck was full
of brown and white feathers. The chicken
stayed in its cage for the rest of the day.
Bailey and CJ by Africa
Bailey and CJ
Last Monday Mrs Pearson bought her ginger coloured chicken to school for us to write about. The small eyed hens name was CJ.
Mrs Pearson made a big cage but when no one was looking Bailey sniffed the cage and CJ flew out. CJ zoomed across the deck and back again. Bailey was hot on her heels.
Finally Miss Pride grabbed at Bailey and caught the playful dog. While that was happening Mrs Pearson grabbed CJ by the white fluffy tail feathers. She made another big cage and put it in her office. Bailey spent the rest of the day inside.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Bailey and CJ by Jean
Bailey and CJ.
On Monday morning Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde drove in the same car. Mrs Pearson had a light brown and white chicken in a cardboard box. Bailey was in the boot. Bailey didn’t see CJ come into the car but she could smell that CJ was there. Bailey was barking all the way to school. Mrs Pearson made a big cage for CJ. The hay was soft as a blanket. There was a gap in the cage. Bailey barked at CJ and scared her. She jumped out of the big cage and darted down the deck. Bailey raced after her. Miss Pryde jumped ontoBailey’s back and pulled her collar. CJ flew into a tree.
On Monday morning Mrs Pearson and Miss Pryde drove in the same car. Mrs Pearson had a light brown and white chicken in a cardboard box. Bailey was in the boot. Bailey didn’t see CJ come into the car but she could smell that CJ was there. Bailey was barking all the way to school. Mrs Pearson made a big cage for CJ. The hay was soft as a blanket. There was a gap in the cage. Bailey barked at CJ and scared her. She jumped out of the big cage and darted down the deck. Bailey raced after her. Miss Pryde jumped ontoBailey’s back and pulled her collar. CJ flew into a tree.
The End.
Chicken Rush By Boaz
Chicken Rush
At school yesterday Mrs.
Pearson brought her fat red hen to school. She made a little house for the
chicken and when no-one was looking Bailey sniffed out CJ. CJ is the chicken’s
name. CJ flew out of her little hen
house and then Bailey chased CJ across the school deck. CJ was freaked out and
flew squawking down the deck. Mrs. Pearson and Miss Pryde heard the commotion
and sprinted after them. Mrs. Pearson grabbed CJ by her white feathery tail.
Miss Pryde captured Bailey by her collar and tied her up. It was very funny to
watch all the sprinting.
We wrote the story for you.
By Boaz
Bailey by Caleb
Bailey is a very cute dog. I love playing games with her. She likes to bounce her tennis ball and catch it. I like it when she licks me. She is fun, exersised and plays soccer with the school. Baily is my best friend. I will miss her when I go to the South Island.
Bailey is a very cute dog. I love playing games with her. She likes to bounce her tennis ball and catch it. I like it when she licks me. She is fun, exersised and plays soccer with the school. Baily is my best friend. I will miss her when I go to the South Island.
ute dog.
Bailey is a very cute dog. I love playing games with her. She likes to bounce her tennis ball and catch it. I like it when she licks me. She is fun, exersised and plays soccer with the school. Baily is my best friend. I will miss her when I go to the South Island.
Bailey is a very cute dog. I love playing games with her. She likes to bounce her tennis ball and catch it. I like it when she licks me. She is fun, exersised and plays soccer with the school. Baily is my best friend. I will miss her when I go to the South Island.
ute dog.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Term 2
Highlights and Reflections
by Room 1 learners and teachers...
We were very sad to say farewell to Melody and Naomi Piclisan-Perrin, early in Term 2. They were an inspiration and a joy to us and will be deeply missed.
PMP with Mr Lark
Monday, 20 May 2013
The man who lost his house by Africa
Once upon a time there were two men there names were Richard and Jono. They both needed a new house. Richard built his house on the beach and Jono built his house on a rock. One day a storm came it was very windy. The wind made a big wave and it hit Richards house and it fell over. Jono felt bad for him but his house stayed calm and dry. He had a fire going. He thought he could help Richard.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Caleb and Alannah working together to create a beautiful art work. They are both learning about Noah's Ark in devotions. We used out art as inspiration for writing in Room 2.

The learners love using blocks for imaginative play and collaborative story building.
SSR is always a popular choice where learners have an assigned time to explore books in an informal setting.
Noah's Ark room 2
Noah's Ark by Caleb yr3
God told Noah,"build an Ark for you and your family. Take two of every animal on it.one male and one female." Noah listened. he built a huge Ark that was bigger than a whole Rugby field! But it had already started raining and two animals were still coming! at last they came through the huge door and God shut it. When it stopped raining Noah sent a dove to find land but it came back. One week later he sent the dove again. It came back with an olive leaf. God opened the door and the Ark rested on top of a mountain.

Noah's Ark by Boaz y2
God said to Noah build a Ark. There is going to be a flood, you and your family have to collect 2 of evry kind of animal. and noah obeyed God and started building it.
Noahs Ark by Volaki yr 3
One day a long time a go God speaks to Noah and he side "Noah you need to build a ark". So Noah started building the ark. When the ark was finshed Noah gathered up two of every kind of animal. When the flood came all the animals were in the ark. After forty days and forty nights Noah sent a dove to go and get an olive leaf. After two weeks the dove came back with a leaf. Noah new that the rain had stopped.
Noahs Ark by Africa yr 2
God told Noah to build an ark. Noah loved God so he listened to God. It took a long time. Soon the ark was finished and now all he had to do was to gather all the animals. There were foxes and lions and zebras. Soon everyone was in and it started to rain. Soon the earth was covered with water and they were floating. After forty days and nights Noah sent a dove to finde land. It came back with an olive leaf Noah knew that things were growing again.
Noah's Ark by Duncan yr 3
God spoke to Noah about a flood. You have to build an ark and gather all the animals up. So Noah built an ark out of wood with his family. Then he gathered all the animals. The water was coming up fast, Noah said hold on it is going to be a bumpy ride! The food came very very fast. Then Noah said, "the rain is stopping". The rain has been raining for fourty days and fourty nights. Then Noah sent a dove out. Then the dove came back with an olive leaf. Noah new there was land.
Noah's Ark by Carlos yr 2
One day God spoke to Noah. God said "build an ark, get 2 of each animal, one mael and one femael. Keap them safe, get food fo8r each animal". Noah build the ark with his family then he got one of each animal. One mael and one femael. It rained and rained for 40 days and 40 nights. It did not rain for that day. Noah sent a dove to find land it did not come back for 3 days. On the 4th day it came back. They must of found driy land the water was going down. They saw some grase. They got on the land.
Afternoon art
God told Noah,"build an Ark for you and your family. Take two of every animal on it.one male and one female." Noah listened. he built a huge Ark that was bigger than a whole Rugby field! But it had already started raining and two animals were still coming! at last they came through the huge door and God shut it. When it stopped raining Noah sent a dove to find land but it came back. One week later he sent the dove again. It came back with an olive leaf. God opened the door and the Ark rested on top of a mountain.

Noah's Ark by Boaz y2
God said to Noah build a Ark. There is going to be a flood, you and your family have to collect 2 of evry kind of animal. and noah obeyed God and started building it.

One day a long time a go God speaks to Noah and he side "Noah you need to build a ark". So Noah started building the ark. When the ark was finshed Noah gathered up two of every kind of animal. When the flood came all the animals were in the ark. After forty days and forty nights Noah sent a dove to go and get an olive leaf. After two weeks the dove came back with a leaf. Noah new that the rain had stopped.
Noahs Ark by Africa yr 2
God told Noah to build an ark. Noah loved God so he listened to God. It took a long time. Soon the ark was finished and now all he had to do was to gather all the animals. There were foxes and lions and zebras. Soon everyone was in and it started to rain. Soon the earth was covered with water and they were floating. After forty days and nights Noah sent a dove to finde land. It came back with an olive leaf Noah knew that things were growing again.
Noah's Ark by Duncan yr 3
God spoke to Noah about a flood. You have to build an ark and gather all the animals up. So Noah built an ark out of wood with his family. Then he gathered all the animals. The water was coming up fast, Noah said hold on it is going to be a bumpy ride! The food came very very fast. Then Noah said, "the rain is stopping". The rain has been raining for fourty days and fourty nights. Then Noah sent a dove out. Then the dove came back with an olive leaf. Noah new there was land.
Noah's Ark by Carlos yr 2
One day God spoke to Noah. God said "build an ark, get 2 of each animal, one mael and one femael. Keap them safe, get food fo8r each animal". Noah build the ark with his family then he got one of each animal. One mael and one femael. It rained and rained for 40 days and 40 nights. It did not rain for that day. Noah sent a dove to find land it did not come back for 3 days. On the 4th day it came back. They must of found driy land the water was going down. They saw some grase. They got on the land.

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