The Runaway Animals
One Thursday morning the animals escaped from the farm. The bull tugged on the gate and it opened. The animals felt free and ran all the way to the other side of town. They found another farm with a big paddock. They all had their own space and yummy juicy grass to eat.
When the farmer woke up he was surprised that the animal weren't there. He drove around the town looking for his farm animals.
The farmer whose paddock the animals were eating in was cross. He chased the animals out. The animals were sad because they were lost on the other side of town.
The owner of the animals found them on the path near his cousin’s house. He took them home on the back of his truck. He had planted more grass and made the paddock bigger by moving the gate. They animals were happy with all the space and ran around. They all lived happily ever after.
One Thursday morning the animals escaped from the farm. The bull tugged on the gate and it opened. The animals felt free and ran all the way to the other side of town. They found another farm with a big paddock. They all had their own space and yummy juicy grass to eat.
When the farmer woke up he was surprised that the animal weren't there. He drove around the town looking for his farm animals.
The farmer whose paddock the animals were eating in was cross. He chased the animals out. The animals were sad because they were lost on the other side of town.
The owner of the animals found them on the path near his cousin’s house. He took them home on the back of his truck. He had planted more grass and made the paddock bigger by moving the gate. They animals were happy with all the space and ran around. They all lived happily ever after.
By Praise
Love your story Praise! Very creative thinking! Well done! Mrs. Morning